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Facts and Standards

Explore below to learn more about 宝博体育 including quick facts about our campus, academics, financial aid, enrollment, community involvement and athletics, and information about key standards, such as Title IX compliance and the Clery Act.

Quick Facts

General Campus

  • 宝博体育 is a private, four-year comprehensive evangelical Christian 大学提供超过 100个学术研究领域.
  • SBU was founded in 1878 and has always been a distinctively Christian educational institution.
  • SBU的主校区位于密苏里州玻利瓦尔,占地152英亩., which is a 密苏里州斯普林菲尔德以北25英里处,人口约为10300人., which is the 该州第三大城市.
  • SBU还提供额外的校园 Mountain View, Salem and Springfield 

Academics and Faculty


  • SBU玻利瓦尔校区100%的本科生获得 financial aid.
  • More than $23.符合条件的学生可获得800万美元的经济援助.
  • SBU已被公认为 美国100所最划算的大学 since 1996.


  • 所有校区的总入学人数(本科生和研究生)为2,709人

  • 本科生总在校生2101人

    • Bolivar: 1,105

    • Mountain View: 74

    • Salem: 92

    • Springfield: 442

    • Dual credit: 388

  • 研究生入学总人数:608人

    • Doctoral students: 290

    • 专科学生:47人

    • 硕士生:271人

  • Gender breakdown:
    • 全校本科生:女生占65%,男生占35%
    • 全校全日制学位学生:女生61%,男生39%
    • 玻利瓦尔校区本科生:女55%,男45%
  • SBU's Bolivar campus is comprised of students representing 206 Missouri communities, 79 of Missouri's 114 counties, 24 states, 20 countries, and 5 continents (Fall 2021).
  • 民族/种族分类(所有校园的所有本科生):
    • 非居民外国人:2%
    • 黑人或非裔美国人,非西班牙裔:5%
    • 美国印第安人/阿拉斯加本地人:1%
    • 亚洲或太平洋岛民:1%
    • Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: >1%
    • Hispanic: 4%
    • Two or more races: 3%
    • 白人,非西班牙裔:75%
    • Unknown: 9%
  • 第一次攻读学士学位的学生的保留率(2020年秋季至 fall 2021):
    • 全日制学生:67%
    • 兼职学生:50%
  • 2014年毕业率(六年毕业率),全校:48%


  • SBU's 全球连接中心 evangelizes the nations, specifically targeting the unreached people groups of the 10/40 window, exposes students to short-term volunteer programs in a cross-cultural context, develops grace-oriented leadership, and provides students with a healthy, 安全,充满爱心的社区体验.
  • Mission trip opportunity examples include: Baja; Guatemala; Honduras, Houston, Texas; New Orleans, La.; Philippines; South Asia; South Sudan; and many more.
  • SBU students benefit from spiritual growth opportunities such as chapel services, 社区服务、宣教旅行和小组查经 教会与门徒训练 program.

Athletics and Wellness

  • SBU Athletics NCAA二级联赛是GLVC会议吗
  • 提供17种运动项目:
    • Men — Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Tennis, Track and Field (indoor and outdoor)
    • Women — Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field (indoor 和户外),排球
    • Co-ed: Cheer
  • 简和肯·迈耶夫妇 Wellness Center offers facilities including aerobics rooms, fitness rooms, intramural courts, natatorium, 壁球场、攀岩墙和跑道.


Title IX

宝博体育 is committed to helping students and employees engage life with positive affirmation through a Christ-centered perspective creating a healthy, 消息灵通的社区继续在安全的环境中运作.

The University expects behavior from all members of the University family that demonstrates the highest standard of respect for people and property and that exemplifies the Christian 承诺彼此相爱. 某些行为,比如性骚扰和 sexual violence, are not acceptable according to this moral and ethical standard and are deemed as discrimination on the basis of sex; thus, prohibited by federal law (Title IX).

SBU prohibits all forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence including domestic 暴力,约会暴力,性侵犯,强奸,熟人强奸,还有跟踪. SBU takes all allegations of sexual harassment and sexual violence seriously, initiating investigations and informing complainants of their rights, options and available resources under Title IX. 我们仍然认真履行我们的承诺,确保安全和福祉 of all of our students and employees, particularly victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence.



SBU has dedicated Title IX representatives to ensure Title IX compliance and care 适用于投诉人或答辩人. 任何相信自己的学生 she has been a victim or has knowledge of an incident of sex discrimination, quid pro quo harassment, any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access, and any domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, rape, acquaintance rape, stalking, and sexual harassment is encouraged to report the incident to official University personnel. 

Student Development
Goodson Student Union
(417) 328-1885

Safety and Security
803 S Pike Ave
(417) 328-8733

Office of Athletics
(417) 328-1412

Human Resources
(417) 328-1512

Title IX Training

Members of SBU's Title IX committee have received training(s) on various Title IX topics. Download the 第九条培训报告(PDF) 查看已接受培训的列表.

Training Resources


Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents of students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with 宝博体育 are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status in employment, admission, access to, or treatment in, its programs and activities, except to the extent permitted by religious exemptions recognized by law.

Any person having inquiries concerning 宝博体育’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, section 504, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 is directed to the Director of Human Resources and Title IX协调员,1600大学大道,玻利瓦尔,密苏里州,65613,(417)328-1512.

Any student having inquiries concerning 宝博体育's compliance with regulations implementing the American with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is directed to the Director of Career Services and External 密苏里州玻利瓦尔大学大道1600号,65613,(417)328-1689.

任何人也可以联系美国民权办公室.S. 教育部, regarding the institution’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, 第九章,第504节,或者1975年的年龄歧视法. More information can be found on 民权办公室 website.

Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.


  • 年度犯罪和火灾报告,包括所有校园犯罪统计数据
  • SBU Alert emergency notification system for notification of significant emergency or dangerous situations on campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees
  • Timely warnings of Clery Act crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees
  • 公众犯罪记录可在 Safety and Security Office

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