NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

professor standing in lobby talking with group of students

Business Management Major

Earn a degree in business management

作为一个工商管理专业的学生,你将会提高你的领导能力,解决问题的能力, 并通过各种工商管理课程培养创业技能. You will 学习组织领导,人力资源管理,组织行为学 以及更多,这将准备你成为一个有效的领导者在多种商业环境. 在SBU,您将获得高水平的学术商业教育为您做好准备 作为一个成功的职业经理人在公司,非营利组织 organizations, and small businesses.

在SBU学习商业管理将为你提供一个多才多艺的学位帮助 you pursue your goals in a variety of career opportunities.

The Management degree is offered through SBU's Robert W. Plaster College of Business


Degree plan


(SBU工商管理专业2021-2022届毕业生在国内找工作 field)

SBU College of Business Job Placement and Salary Data (PDF)

SBU students

The SBU Advantage

  • More than 75% 工商管理系学生至少完成一次实习 before graduation.
  • 小班授课和敬业的教师创造了一个紧密联系的社区来帮助你 当你受益于个性化指导和建立终身友谊时,你会茁壮成长.
  • 通过获得商业管理学位,你有机会参加班级项目 在这个项目中,你与当地社区的企业合作,获得有价值的现实世界, hands-on experiences. 参与SBU Enactus等组织提供了进一步的帮助 在你作为SBU学生期间,有机会获得真实的商业经验.

Faith Integration

在你的管理课程中,你将学习圣经的管理基础 考察圣经真理所阐释的管理原则. You will learn about 圣经中管理的例子,检查耶稣管理的方式,并发现 圣经是如何教导我们如何成为一个有道德的管理者和一个有效的领导者的.

Psalm 15 — SBU's College of Professional Programs and the Robert W. Plaster College of Business 有《宝博体育》第15篇的倡议,它提供了信仰和学术的有意整合 discipline. 以诗篇15篇为基础,学院确定了八个字符 这些特质应该是学生和毕业生的标志. These character 在课程作业和特别的系列讲座中强调个性. The highlighted 性格特征是:正直、服务、尊重、慈善、忠诚、诚实、 Humility and Perseverance.

Ethics and Professional Development 作为有意的基督教教育的一部分,罗伯特·W·霍普金斯大学的学生. Plaster 商学院选修了道德与职业发展的高级课程. 本课程教导基督徒的个人和职业道德,并装备学生 生活技能,如职业发展,礼仪和仆人式领导 培养有道德的商业领袖的目标是成为社会的仆人式领袖 workplace.


Examples of organizations that have employed our graduates:

  • Accenture
  • Burlington Northern
  • Cerner Corporation
  • Edward Jones
  • Jack Henry & Associates
  • Sam's Club



  • Citizens Memorial Hospital - HR department
  • Sam's Club
  • Scripps

Graduate schools

Examples of graduate schools attended by our graduates:

Nicole Breedlove
"My classes helped me understand how to reach my consumers. I have utilized marketing, 我在SBU学习的时间管理和社交技巧."
Nicole Breedlove '21, '22
Professional Recruiter for Citizens Memorial Hospital

Clubs and Organizations


Want to start a business as a student? At SBU, you have the opportunity to receive 指导和资助你在攻读学位的同时创业. One of our 学生莉莲在Etsy上开了一家发饰生意,赚了12000多美元 in profits her first year! You even have the chance to earn funds for your business through the Jumpstart entrepreneurship competition.


sentinel - repact是一个让你指导高中生的机会 with local businesses in their community. You will be putting your learned skills 从课堂到实践,通过与高中生的合作 就如何改善商业伙伴关系提供建议.

Delta Mu Delta

Delta Mu Delta是一个为表彰优秀人才而成立的国际荣誉协会 scholastic achievement of business administration students. The purpose of Delta Mu 德尔塔是为了促进更高的商业教育奖学金,并承认 and reward scholastic attainment in business subjects. Delta Mu Delta is an invitation-only 三年级和四年级学生的社团,成绩在班级前20%,最低GPA为 3.25.

Financial Management Association (FMA)

金融管理协会(FMA)为商科学生提供了惊人的机会. 在SBU FMA章节中,学生有机会与当地的学生见面并建立联系 金融专业人士,从事投资竞赛,参与社区 service, and network with SBU peers. As a member of FMA, a national organization, 学生可以访问FMA广泛的在线图书馆,在线预测竞赛, 工作公告板,国际网络和奖励机会.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

美国未来商业领袖协会(FBLA)是最大的职业学生商业组织 in the world. FBLA has more than 10,000 members and more than 500 chapters. 

SBU的FBLA分会在每年的州和全国比赛中一直表现优异, earning 58 top-ten national finishes so far!



The College of Professional Programs and the Robert W. Plaster College of Business 为学生提供许多私人资助的奖学金机会. During a 最近一学年,向学生提供了超过89,000美元的私人奖学金 from these college-level scholarships. Some scholarships available include:

  • Aric Beckham Memorial Scholarship
  • Bill & Geneva Williams Memorial Scholarship
  • Business College Scholarship
  • Clifford & Marie Gouge Memorial Scholarship
  • Credille Family Scholarship
  • Dexter Yager Business Scholarship
  • Don & Joan Woods Endowed Scholarship
  • Dr. B.E. Clark Distinguished Accounting Student Scholarship
  • Gary & Jane Black Excellence Scholarship
  • Gladys Henderson Memorial Scholarship
  • Melvin & Minnie Hall Memorial Scholarship
  • Nebraska Book Company Scholarship
  • Ralph Stufflebam Memorial Scholarship
  • Ruby Letsch-Roderique Business Scholarship

Taylor Center

The Robert W. 石膏商学院坐落在吉恩·泰勒国家自由区 Enterprise Center. 泰勒中心进行了扩建和翻新,以提供以下服务 benefits for our students:

  • 增加了可以保留的专用学习区域和演示室的数量 in advance
  • 某些专业的钥匙卡访问增加了建筑物的安全性,同时允许你 下班后使用空间和设备,有效地学习和完成小组项目
  • Student lounge and open spaces to study, relax and hang out