注意: 由于天气原因,今天的课程取消了. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.


three guitarists 和 drummer leading worship in chapel service


教堂 is an integral part of the SBU experience 和 central to our life together. 教堂 helps to build a sense of community at SBU by providing a shared experience of worship, biblical teaching, community, 和 prayer.

The first week of each semester will begin with a special Bible or missions conference. 教堂 services will be held each Monday 和 Wednesday from 10:00–10:50 a.m. 在派克 礼堂,位于梅比教堂内.



所有 教堂 services will be live-streamed on YouTube. 订阅SBU的YouTube频道 每次直播都能收到通知!


礼拜堂在每周一和周三上午10点举行.m. 加入我们的这些教堂活动 2023年春季学期.





1月22日星期一:Rick Melson









2月21日星期三:Camden Pulliam







3月18日,星期一. 约翰·马歇尔-宣教周

3月20日星期三:博士. 约翰·马歇尔-宣教周

3月25日星期一:春假 没有教堂

3月27日星期三:春假 没有教堂

4月1日星期一:复活节星期一 没有教堂







4月24日星期三:Rick Melson


教堂 is central for our life together 和 regular attendance is a graduation requirement 对大多数学生来说.


所有 full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students 在 Bolivar campus are expected 在SBU上学的时候去教堂. 学生必须至少参加一门课程 of 75% of the 教堂 services offered during the semester.

Students must scan their student ID card at the Pike Auditorium exits before 和 after 每个礼拜仪式确认出席礼拜堂. 任何不出席的学生 他的身份证可以在教堂监控器的监控下进出. 任何丢失身份证的学生 should get a replacement through the Department of 安全 和 Security, located at 803 S. 派克大街.在上午8点到8点之间,美国玻利瓦尔,MO 65613.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Evening 和 weekend 教堂 services may occasionally be offered for extra credit. 教堂 is not a substitute for participation in the life of a local church 和 students are strongly encouraged to prioritize church membership


所有 full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students who reside more than 15 miles away from the Bolivar campus are considered commuters. 鼓励通勤者 participate in chapel but are exempt from the attendance requirements. 所有non-commuting students are expected to meet the chapel attendance requirement.


研究生, part-time, 和 high school students are welcome to participate. 所有的学生 who are not able to gather with us corporately are encouraged to attend virtually 在 SBU YouTube频道.


Semester-length chapel exemptions will only be granted to students whose academic program requires an internship, clinical rotation, or student teaching that takes 地点在教堂时间. Exceptional circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case 基础.

Students requesting exemption must complete 和 submit the 教堂 Exemption Request 在学期的前两周提交表格. 学生将收到一封电子邮件 confirm whether their request is approved or denied. 


We gather at 教堂 to be reminded of the goodness of God in a variety of ways. 所有 participants are asked to follow the 教堂 behavior guidelines listed below.

  • Arrive in a timely manner 和 be seated before the service begins
  • Engage as an active listener 和 participant in worship
  • Refrain from the use of electronic devices, including computers 和 phones
  • Refrain from engaging in personal conversations or other distracting behaviors
  • Refrain from studying or any other reading not directly related to the 教堂 program
  • 祈祷时摘下帽子

Students who do not observe these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, losing attendance credit for that 教堂.


Students failing to attend 75% of 教堂 in a given semester 将被放置在 教堂通知 下个学期. If the student missed four or fewer 教堂, he or she must meet the attendance requirement 和 make up the missed
教堂. If the student missed more than four 教堂, he or she must meet the attendance 要求,建造四个小教堂, ,要么 complete a book report (assigned by the campus pastor) or pay a $20 fine for each additional chapel missed the previous semester.

Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement while on 教堂通知 将被放置在 教堂缓刑 下个学期. While on probation, he or she must meet the attendance 要求,建造四个小教堂,
complete a book report (assigned by the campus pastor) 每个未完成的小教堂罚款20美元.

Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement in the semester after being placed on 教堂缓刑 will be suspended see page 22 of our 学生手册.

Any student who scans in or out for another student will forfeit the chapel credit 对两个学生来说. 两名学生还将被罚款25美元. 任何扫描进来的学生, leaves the auditorium for the duration of chapel, 和 then comes back to
scan out will lose credit for that chapel 和 be fined $25.

Students should check their chapel attendance weekly through their mySBU self-service 门户网站. 


At SBU, we are not only committed to training students in truth that they may become wiser but also instructing them in righteousness that they may become holier. 这两个 在一个致力于门徒训练的环境中进行.

We aim to encourage every student to love the Lord with all his heart, mind, 和 soul, 爱人如己. 这是我们祈祷和努力的目标. 我们装备 our staff 和 faculty, we train our Resident Directors 和 Resident Assistants, 和 we offer our students a variety of discipleship programs. 任何想要 to grow in his or her faith in Jesus Christ at SBU will experience no shortage of 这样做的机会.

The primary (but not only) opportunity for discipleship at SBU comes through the SBU :享有. These SBU :享有 are student-led 和 overseen by Stedman情人节, the 校园牧师及门徒训练主任. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Stedman 情人节.


While at SBU, you will have opportunities to participate in various local 和 global 透过 全球连接中心. An average of 30 projects are offered each year across the U.S. 在世界各地 在一月学期,春假和暑假期间.



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