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音乐专业: 奖学金 are available for participation in many ensembles. 下面你会发现 that SBU has a wide variety of both large and small instrumental and vocal ensembles.

非音乐专业: Even as a student majoring in an area outside of the area of music, you can still 参加各种乐团的试演. 参加声乐比赛可获得奖学金 还有器乐合奏.


  • 室的歌手 — The 室的歌手 are auditioned from the larger 合唱团 to form a small chamber 每学期声乐合奏. 在每年的秋季,该集团呈现的流行 “Ye Olde Madrigal Dinners,” a Christmas celebration of song and dinner set in Elizabethan 英国,座无虚席. 每年春季学期,室内歌手的重点是 a particular genre of vocal chamber repertoire and present concerts ranging from vocal a capella jazz to pre-1600 music to show choir productions and more.
  • 合唱团 — The premiere choral ensemble of the university has performed extensively across 州,国家,世界. 这个经过精心挑选的乐团也会表演 regularly for major music education and denominational conventions. 合唱团的专长是 in a capella music from the Renaissance through modern periods as well as non-Western 欧洲传统.
  • 全局的崇拜 — 全局的崇拜 is a contemporary Christian worship ensemble that tours throughout the entire academic year leading worship, Disciple Now and many mission projects. Comprised of both vocalists and instrumentalists, there are many opportunities for 就是事奉耶和华.
  • 杰作合唱 - SBU音乐每年都会举办大师作品音乐会. 演讲内容包括 the university’s massed choirs, faculty soloists, the SBU orchestra, 斯普林菲尔德 Symphony members, instrumentalists from the SBU Symphonic Winds, and area musicians. 
  • 歌剧院 -歌剧院向所有学生开放试镜. 这门课是一个 singers develop performance skills relative to operatic and/or music theatre repertoire 并为演出准备独奏和合奏作品. 演出由一个小调组成 production in the fall,and one major production in the spring. 上演歌剧场景 every fall, and full-length shows are performed in the spring, alternating between 一场歌剧表演和一场音乐剧表演. 音乐剧场演出是合作进行的 与SBU剧院项目合作.
  • 大学的歌手 — This non-auditioned choral ensemble provides intensified study and performance 经验 with a varied repertoire of choral music and is open to students, faculty, 工作人员和社区歌手.


  • 铜管乐团 — SBU offers various brass groups in both the fall and spring semesters. 可用 ensembles include Brass Choir, Brass Quintet, Trumpet Quartet, Trombone Quartet, and 大号/次中音号四方. (The number and types of ensembles available are dependent 根据学生兴趣.) Brass players can gain knowledge of the subtleties of brass 仪器. 参与 increases awareness of the ensemble concept, confidence in individual abilities, and the development of idiomatic characteristics of brass playing through regular performances, often in conjunction with other ensembles. 参与 对所有感兴趣的铜管乐器演奏家开放吗. 
  • 室内管弦乐队 — The 室内管弦乐队 is an ensemble comprised of music and non-music majors. 专用的 to the highest level of musical excellence, the ensemble performs a wide-ranging repertoire from Baroque through Contemporary periods in both string and full orchestra settings. Performances include the annual Masterworks concert that features presentations of major choral works for full orchestra, chorus and soloists.
  • 克拉拉·福森弦乐四重奏 — The 克拉拉·福森弦乐四重奏 was established to give four gifted string musicians the opportunity to play from the world’s extensive repertoire of string quartet music. The 克拉拉·福森弦乐四重奏 performs at events at SBU and for weddings, concerts 以及校园和周边地区的宴会. 这个四重奏是以克拉拉的名字命名的 Fuson, one of the charter members of University Heights Baptist Church in 斯普林菲尔德, a school teacher and a trained violinist who played in the 斯普林菲尔德 Symphony for 许多年.
  • 爵士乐团 爵士乐团每周排练两小时. 学生表演标准爵士乐 band repertoire as well as contemporary charts written for big-band instrumentation: saxophones, trumpets, trombones, piano, bass, guitar and drums. 选择的学生 也可以在爵士组合中表演吗. 即兴创作是被鼓励的,尽管它不是 这是试镜的要求. 这个乐团每学期举办一到两场音乐会, including occasional “Jazz Chapel” programs as a feature of the university’s chapel 时间表.
  • Pep乐队 — The Pep乐队 is an organization of select musicians that performs for SBU football 运动会和男子和女子篮球比赛. 这个受欢迎和热情的群体 也曾随队参加过MIAA锦标赛. 这个剧团由试镜开始 献给任何参加“风之交响曲”的学生.
  • 打击乐合奏 — The 打击乐合奏 performs a variety of music for the total percussion section -鼓,键盘,金属和木制乐器. 有几场演出 全年. 该团体对所有打击乐手开放.
  • 风交响曲 — The 风交响曲 is comprised of the university’s finest woodwind, brass, and 打击乐器的球员. Exploring traditional and contemporary works for winds and percussion, the ensemble is known for its consistently high level of performance. 年度旅游 stops include schools and churches throughout Missouri and surrounding states, including performances in Branson (Down From His Glory) and the Missouri Music Educators Association 在奥塞奇海滩的Tan-Tar-A度假村开会. 需要试镜.
  • 大学乐队 — The 大学乐队 is open to all SBU students with previous high school band 经验. Emphasis is on the study and performance of works for concert band. No audition is required for participation in this ensemble which performs concerts on 校园. 
  • 木管乐器集合体 — Within the area of music, a number of woodwind ensembles are active in any given semester; typically, these have included flute quartet, woodwind quintet, clarinet 四重奏,萨克斯管四重奏和木管三重奏. 乐团由SBU教员指导 members and provide music majors and non-music majors opportunities to explore the rich and varied repertoire that has been written for chamber groups of woodwind 仪器.
